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How to screen children who not to use this book

Certain children whom are difficult to work on are easily identified and mustn’t apply the techniques in this book on. One child I remember and never sat still in the chair and continued to get out of the chair and run around the room. I told mom that I’ll try again in six months to see if the child matured.

I’ve had parents demand me to stop their child’s thumb suck habit when I know it’ll be an uphill battle with other factors that exist at home or in the child’s life. I only except patients who I know I can deliver a high percentage product on, so that the patient and their parents aren’t the only ones happy with the results, but I am happy, also.

I've successfully treated children as early as age 2. Over 1/3 of age 2 children will sit still, talk back and forth as if they were an adult and keep eye contact with you.Those are three minimal requirements.

The bone in the teeth start to get damaged at age 2 and a lower jaw is kept from forward growth if the thumb habit isn’t stopped. I do have better success with children at six years old, but damage to the child’s bone structures and teeth is prevented if stopped earlier.

again the point here is that communication is the key to the thumbsucker buster techniques to work. The best results are obtained on a child who will Have have a discussion with you as if they were an adult and you can tell they are smart. After you first talk with the child and you don’t feel that a back and forth discussion happened as if you had talk to your best friend, it’s best not to push the situation because results won’t be achieved or will take longer than usual.


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