How Can Thumb sucking Affect My Child's Teeth?
Damage cause by thumbsucking After permanent teeth come in, sucking may cause problems with the proper growth of the mouth and alignment...
Top signs invisalign will work for you
1. Your Case Is Straightforward Most cases of crooked teeth can be fixed with Invisalign. The system can work for those who have...
Signs You Need Braces
The signs that an adult needs braces can vary according to age and overall dental health. Adult braces are becoming increasingly common,...
There are more differences than similarities. An ORTHODONTIST requires additional schooling as a dental specialty; the situation is...
Stop Thumb, Finger, Toe, Blanket & Pacifier Suck Habits
Stop Thumb Suck Revolution title says what is … a Revolution … defined as a dramatic and wide-reaching change in the way something works...
How to get a thumbsucker to realize they already have the power to decide to stop
The power to decide processes helps the child realize that he can stop his thumb suck habit. The keyword here is decide. To focus on this...
How to screen children who not to use this book
Certain children whom are difficult to work on are easily identified and mustn’t apply the techniques in this book on. One child I...
37 Habit Busters to Help You or Your Child Stop Thumb, Finger, Toe, Blanket & Pacifier Suck
37 Habit Busters to Help You or Your Child Stop Thumb, Finger, Toe, Blanket & Pacifier Suck Interestingly, many parents have this same...
Why You Need To Break The Thumb Sucking Habit
Thumb sucking is a common habit among children but at some point you may want to consider stopping your child’s habit. There are many...
New Book Helps With The Damaging Habit of Thumb Sucking
For immediate release: Fort Lauderdale, FL - 2/08/2020 Learn The Secrets of New Fast Techniques to Stop Thumb, Finger, Toe, Blanket &...